BARONESS Transport Trolley TR50 for Single Green Mower
The Baroness TR50 Single Green Mower Trailer transports your mower safely, while keeping your Height of Cut setting secure, providing a consistent cut from the first hole to the last.
Available in 2 models
TR50-01 Mower Trailer without Wheels (Drum)
TR50-02 Mower Trailer with Transport Wheels (Wheels)
For easy loading and unloading of mowers.
The front roller is elevated and does not come into contact with the trailer during transport.
The TR50 can be easily adjusted to accommodate different cutting widths
» Click here to download brochure TR50
Technical data
Total length: Drum 265.6cm, Tire 273.4cm
Total width: LM101 and LM56 series 147cm, LM66 series 156.5cm
Total height: 40.6cm (Tyre diameter)
Weight: Drum 57kg, Tire 67kg
Mower load direction: Rear
Tyre size: 16x6.50-8